Query subscriptions

Here is an example of how to query subscriptions given their respective index using sub2-sdk. As mentioned here, subscriptions are stored in one public array called subscriptions and are uniquely identified by their index in the array. Since the array is public, we can query all the information of a subscription using their index. Assuming sub2-sdk is installed and initialised like shown here, we can query the subscription as follows:

import { Subscription } from 'sub2-sdk';

const subscriptions: Subscription[] = await sub2SDK.getSubscriptions(indices);

Here, indices has type bigint[].The getSubscription function returns a promise with a Subscription[] array. Each Subscription object contains both the on-chain data and auxiliary information:

interface Subscription {
  id: bigint;
  sender: `0x${string}`,
  recipient: `0x${string}`,
  sponsor: `0x${string}`,
  amount: bigint,
  token: `0x${string}`,
  maxProcessingFee: bigint,
  processingFeeToken: `0x${string}`,
  cooldown: number,
  auctionDuration: number,
  paymentCounter: number,
  status: 'canceled' | 'expired' | 'auction' |  'waiting';
  lastPayment: Date,
  nextPaymentAvailable: Date;
  nextPaymentDue: Date;

Now we have obtained all information about the subscriptions!

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