
The sub2 SDK is a Node library to interact with the sub2 protocol in a typescript/javascript environment. It is built with viem and contains functionality that makes it easy to integrate sub2 as a receiver of subscription payments among other features. The implementation can be found here.

Interactions requiring querying on-chain data require the user to supply a viem public client. Some functionality like canceling a subscription or generating a sponsor signature requires the user to additionally supply a viem wallet client.

Installation and setup

The SDK can be installed through npm.

npm i --save sub2-sdk

After installation, the SDK contains a class called Sub2SDK which can be initialized as follows:

import { Sub2SDK } from 'sub2-sdk';
import { publicClient, walletClient } from "./config";

const sub2SDK = new Sub2SDK(publicClient, walletClient);

Now you are ready to start interacting with the sub2 protocol!

Careful: Remember to never store your private key and RPC URL in plain text in your project. We recommend creating and using a .env file.

Note: The sub2 protocol is currently only deployed on the Base Sepolia network.

Last updated